BITSAT Admit Card 2017 is available now for download. The Schedule of the Exam is already announced. Those who are waiting to get seats in BITS University had applied for the Entrance Exam. Now the Admit Cards of Birla Institute of Technology & Science Admission Test are released. Download the Hall Tickets of BITSAT Exam 2017 using the following info from 15th April to 10th May 2017. The Students can go to the following sections to download the BITS Entrance Exam Call Letter on the official Website.
BITSAT Exam Overview
BITSAT Admit Card 2017 – BITS Entrance Test Hall Ticket
BITS Admission Test 2017 Hall Tickets has released. Candidates who have applied for the BITS 2017 Entrance Test can download the admit cards now. Through the BITSAT Hall Ticket, candidates can obtain the Exam Center, Date of Exam, Timings, and exam instructions. Candidates, it is must carry the BITS Admit Card while going for Admission Test. Without hall ticket, aspirants are not allowed into the exam hall. So, applicants must check the given instructions in the BITSAT Hall Ticket and should follow them.
BITSAT Admit Card available from 15th April to 10th May 2017. |
For the BITS Entrance Test Hall Ticket Download, candidates need not waste their time by searching more websites. Here, we have provided the direct link for BITS Admission Test Admit Card. So, willing candidates just click on below link for instant BITSAT 2017 Admit Card download. You may also visit the Official Website for latest updates about BITS Entrance test dates.
BITS 2017 Admit Card
Birla Institute of Technology & Science had provided the Notification for Admission Test 2017. The Applicants had also applied for the Exam. The Board has completed the Applications verification and provided the Exam Dates also. That’s why we have provided the details of Admit Card availability. Once, check the information about the Exam dates. The BITSAT Exam occurs in the same way as the Every Year BITSAT Exam. So, the Admit Card download Process is also the same. The BITS Admission Exam 2017 dates are available below.
The BITSAT Admit Card 2017 will be offered for the applied aspirants from May 2017. Before one week from the Exam, the BITSAT Hall Tickets are being distributed to avoid inconvenience for the Students. All the Individuals who had applied for the BITSAT Exam can download the Admit Card from the Official website that is The students should not forget to carry the Hall Tickets to the Exam hall. If they forget, they may not be allowed to write the Exam. Therefore, check other details in the BITS Pilani official site which is mentioned above.
BITS Admission Test Admit Card Details
Organization: | Birla Institue of Technology and Sciences (BITS) |
Seats Available: | Huge number of Vacancies. |
Location: | Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad, Dubai. |
Category | Admit Card. |
BITSAT Hall Ticket Download Dates: | 15th April to 10th May 2017. |
Online BITSAT Exam Dates: | 16th May to 30th May 2017. |
BITS official website: | |
Result Date | Will Update soon. |
BITS Admission Test Hall Ticket –
All the BITSAT Applicants must download their Hall Tickets in the official website. The BISTSAT 2017 Admitcard downloading steps are available below. So, those who have any doubt can follow the steps. We have also provided a direct link to get the BITS Admission Test Hall Ticket 2017 using the direct link. Those who want to attend the Exam must and should carry their BITSAT Admit Card 2017. Without the BITSAT Hall Ticket, the students are not allowed to Write the Exam. As the BITS Entrance Exam call letters are available before one week, download it and keep it safe. Sometimes, due to a huge Traffic, the Site may not load. So the candidates should be careful and should not forget to download it.
BITSAT Admit Card 2017 are available for downloading from May 2017. As mentioned above, the site will not be reached on last days. So, It’s best to download the Hall Ticket immediately after seeing the Notification on this page. We also guide the Students by providing the steps on How to Download the Admit Card of BITSAT Exam. Those who cannot understand the Steps provided below can use the link at the bottom to download the Hall Ticket 2017. Those who downloaded the hall ticket already must take it to the Exam hall. Otherwise, the individuals are not allowed to entering the Exam Center.
BITSAT Exam Dates: 16th May 2017 to 30th May 2017.
BITSAT Call Letter 2017 – BITSAT Exam Dates
After the Establishment of BITS, the BITSAT Board conducts the Exam every year. As we know, the Students should reach the Exam Centers on time. Otherwise, the Applicants are not allowed to attend the Exam. After the Board release of Hall Tickets, the Candidates will know Exam centers & Time of Exam.
Steps to download BITS 2017 Admit Card
- First of all, Visit the Official Site of BITS Pilani.
- The Home Page will be available.
- Click on the Notification at the right side.
- Page Navigates and Download Hall Tickets Button appears.
- Click on the Download button & the required Page opens
- Enter the Required details specified according to the field.
- Click on submit button & The Pdf will be visible to the User.
- Finally, Download the Pdf & Take a color Print out of Hall Ticket.
BITS Entrance Test Hall Ticket 2017
Rest of all the above process, candidates can download the BITSAT Hall Ticket with one click. We have provided the direct link to download the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test Admit Card 2017. So, candidates can click on the below link and enter your details.
Your BITS Entrance Test Hall Ticket will be displayed on the screen. Save the file and check the BITS Admission Test Details and instructions. Candidates can make the copies of admit card for future use. Aspirants can stay tuned with us through Website for more details.
Click here to download BITS Admit Card
Bits 2017 hall ticket
i have lost my hall ticket and as a result my password to o because of which i am unable to check my results of bitsat 2017 and the helpline numbers are also not responding. please help!